April Bills Mailed - Due 5/7/24
Regular billing is due and payable upon the date of presentation. Under Government Code (G.C.) § 60373, the bill will become past due if not paid within 19 days after the date of presentation. Past-due bills are subject to interest and late fees following G.C. § 61115. A 10% penalty will be assessed when delinquent. Important information on water regulations for non-payment, late fees, disconnection processes, and alternative payment schedules can be found on our website at https://vandenbergvillage.specialdistrict.org/discontinuance-of-service
Should the amount of the bill be questioned, the customer must request an investigation or initiate a complaint with the District within five days of receiving the bill per G.C. § 60372.
All bills are the responsibility of the customer who signs for service and remains their responsibility until the District is notified that the service is to be taken out of their name and the account is paid in full.
Sewer fees are billed one month in advance.
Visit our website at http://vvcsd.org
- Pay your bill
- Sign up for e-bill
- Manage your account
- Sign up for rebates
Call the District at (805) 733-2475
- Pay your bill
- Sign up for rebates
- Ask questions