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Lead Service Line Inventory

Diagram showing utility vs. homeowner responsibility for water supply, divided at a water meter, with a house and water main.

Vandenberg Village Community Services District has completed the initial lead service line inventory required by U.S. EPA’s Lead and Copper Rule Revisions. The deadline for the initial inventories is October 16, 2024.

Through completing a historical records review and field investigations, Vandenberg Village Community Services District has determined it has no lead or galvanized requiring replacement service lines in its distribution system. This includes any privately owned or customer-owned service lines.

Vandenberg Village Community Services District reviewed all applicable sources of information, including:

  • All construction and plumbing codes, permits, existing records, and other documentation that indicates the service line materials;
  • All water system records, including distribution system maps and drawings, historical records on each service connection, meter installation records, historical capital improvement or master plans, and standard operating procedures; and
  • All inspections and records of the distribution system that indicate service line material, including inspections conducted during normal operations (e.g., checking service line materials when reading water meters or performing maintenance activities).

In addition to reviewing the above sources of information, Vandenberg Village Community Services District used an alternative method to develop the inventory that was approved by the State Water Resources Control Board Division of Drinking Water on a case-by-case basis.

Vandenberg Village Community Services District used the interpolation method. The interpolation method is used when the water utility can divide its service area into uniform groups, such as neighborhoods or tracts. Each uniform group shares multiple common characteristics, such as the time period built, location, or contractor. The service line materials for each group are assumed to be similar. Water utilities physically verified a percentage of the homes in that group to interpolate or determine the service line material for the remaining homes.

Vandenberg Village Community Services District created interpolation groups based on tract records and verified a majority of the homes built after January 1, 1986 through construction records or service line replacement reports. All replaced service lines were verified as copper or plastic. No lead or galvanized requiring replacement service lines were identified.

Vandenberg Village Community Services District continues to document service line material information obtained from normal operations, such as service line maintenance or water meter readings, after October 2024 and will update the initial inventory accordingly.

Updated: July 10, 2024


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